Wednesday 21 July 2010

Multiple Muts

It's sometimes harder than others to focus Sonny. I am beginning to realise just how overactive his brain is (and that's on medication). Whilst I can sometimes get him to focus well on the training exercises, when he is outside in the big bad world it's a different story to the safety of our back garden.

In many ways keeping his interest is a bit like trying to manage a hyperactive child. He can maintain attention for a nano second, but then suddenly he returns to his 'tracking' behaviour on red alert for anything that might be coming in his vicinity.

This week has been no exception. I thought I was doing rather well yesterday as we passed a young staffy pup, a well known adversary. Fortunately the owner is extremely hot on keeping him under control, he is interested in Sonny and a bit overexcited but I doubt his intentions are honourable as Sonny as previously 'sworn' at him on a number of occasions. No doubt he would love to have a go but his sensible owner makes him sit. This is the testing time when I have to remember not to get anxious (but feeling very) and keep a 'relaxed lead'. I do so and distract myself with saying good morning and telling her we are on a training programme. I think this is to make myself feel better for having such an embarrassing dog! This works reasonably well and we pass without any of his normal display. Just a bit of heavy breathing and an anxious backward glance.

Flushed with success we move onto Colin the collie. He is alert and ready to pounce, unfortunately our sighting of him coincides with me having to stop to avoid a passing car. This is all too much for Sonny and Colin, they both have a good go at barking and growling and Colin's owner gives me the 'not you again' look which makes me feel so welcome in the locality. You can't blame the guy I bet he was having a nice peaceful life before we came along! Straight after that it is 2 eager jack russells, both clearly not a bit interested in their owner and giving Sonny full eye contact. Really, two dogs bearing down on the poor lad is too much him and a snarling heap soon emerges. One rather demoralised owner returning to home.

I am told the issue of meeting other dogs is a biggy and will be a whole chapter of work on its own. We are to practice with our other dog Holly learning to pass eachother and say hello. Then getting the dogs to sit opposite eachother at either end. Sonny is so good and willing to look at me, if I could get this sort of reaction when we meet a stranger dog we would be really getting somewhere.

Keep you posted

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