Sunday 11 July 2010

Along came Sally

That's when we met Sally, Sally talked to us at length about Sonny's behaviour and saw him in action. I have to say that woman has nerves of steel, Sonny did his usual sniffing at her (with muzzle) and then she looks at him (something he can't bear apparently), he jumps and barks loudly at her.

We discover other things, part of his behaviour is guarding me. Obvious you might think. But it was so subtle and the fact that he kept on brushing past me whilst she was there was apparently his way of checking me out. I knew the minute he was going to test her. ' You are so tuned into him, this is something we have to do something about'. He can smell my fear and so is more likely to react. I knew this, but it's so hard to stop it. Maybe it's me that needs the Valium! He lies down in the doorway and she tells me he's let me in but he's letting me know he's not going to let me out. Again, something I had not previously noticed.

There is medication and a DAP collar we can try whilst we are giving him a comprehensive programme of de-sentisation and more training. He is a highly intelligent dog, as is Holly, he needs lots of psychological work because the collie in him is never exhausted so needs to 'think' in order to get tired. Gradually, over the 3 hours, he calms down, a bit. He accepts treats and training from her. Maybe this visitor is not all bad then...

At the end of the visit I don't know who is more exhausted Sonny or me. The next day we walk past a variety of dogs and he doesn't react, we are both gobsmacked. Maybe there is hope.

And that's where we are and why I decided to write this blog. Sally has given us a comprehensive programme to follow and I'm going to document how we get on. It will help motivate me to keep this going because I realise that I haven't been consistent in the past, partly because I haven't wanted to keep bothering the trainers. I have to get over that this time. Also Sally has offered to bring in a stooge visitor if needed and also to take me out to show me what to do with other dogs. She really is our last hope and this time we don't want to let Sonny down after all he deserves a good life and SO DO WE!!!

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