Friday, 31 August 2012

The Water Boy

Well we've been very busy recently.  We've moved house and now Sonny has a wonderful 2 acre field to run around all to himself.  It's completely dog proof which is a bonus and he's been busy checking out all the boundaries just to make sure no one got in last night when he was in bed.

We have started an intensive regime of physiotherapy, (exercises to maintain his muscle memory) 2 to 3 times a day, plus hydrotherapy twice a week.  We have also purchased him a pair of boots for his two back feet which due to his foot dragging have worn his poor claws down to the quick.  Despite being a dog who is deeply suspicious of all things new he seems to have taken to this onslaught of new additions to his life with remarkable vigour.  With the condition that he has got, which is degenerative, walking at speed seems to work better than slow and unsteady.  The most difficult part is the stopping to relieve himself when he can look as though he's almost going to topple over before he makes it and he's off at a trot again (after we've cleared up of course.)

In hydrotherapy he is transformed, none of the wobbliness is there as the water supports him and he can glide along and turn with the grace of a ballerina.  It is so wonderful to see him like that again and if it keeps his muscles strong so that he can go on for a bit longer that is all to the good.  Without insurance the cost of course is no small thing.  However the alternative is to do nothing and watch him deteriorate which I cannot bear to do. 

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