We are given a different lead, a slim rope which slips over his head. We have used one in the past but it was much thicker. The purpose of this lead is to give us better feedback about what Sonny is doing. I am told not to look at the other dog and to focus on the tops of the telegraph pole ahead of me. I look around rather nervously. The ground is uneven and it has not been unknown for me to go face down in the presence of my dog. Is the woman quite mad? Does she not realise that I have a homing device for potholes and once managed to disappear down a hole and I might add, up to my knee in water whilst nonchalantly walking a path. Oh well, trying not to think about the possible weeks in traction that await me, I give it a go. The purpose of this stance is to look decisive and in command. I must admit it's a great relief not to be looking at what I fear, although it does give you quite an unnerving feeling as you are not quite sure whether the other dog is!!
We set off and Sonny does his usual launching himself in the direction of yet another canine adversary. We try again and again, interestingly the triangle manoeuvre seems to put him off balance. Once nearing being opposite to the other dog we are taught to veer off in the other direction. Returning on course again once we have past it. This is a strange feeling. If Sonny starts to strut his stuff I am to stop, gently pull the lead up and wait, looking up to the sky. Right now I'm beginning to realise that you can sort of feel him relax and then you similarly know when he is following you again. We continue to practise, eventually moving on from a triangle to a gentle curve till eventually being able to walk straight past the other dog. Once we have managed this, we walk alongside, noting how now both dogs are much more relaxed. The trainer has taught me how dog's not only mirror us and our feelings but also eachother. So, if another dog reads Sonny's behaviour as aggressive, it will similarly mirror this back to him. When the other dog is not reacting to him, this is a sign that Sonny is calming down. The walking alongside is a bonding activity, the starting to form a 'pack'.
I very much enjoy this drawing, looks like the plans for a trap I might have drawn when I was a little 'un!