Saturday, 14 July 2012

Vet news

The vet appointment was brilliant.  She was based in a hydrotherapy centre and has recommended Physio and hydrotherapy exercise for Sonny Dog.  Sadly she has confirmed my worst fears that whatever is affecting his back end is a problem of the nervous system and has affected not one but both of his hind legs.  His best prognosis is to use exercise to strengthen his muscles to he maintains strength in his legs for as long as possible.  Eventually he could become incontinent at which point euthanasia would be the best and fairest option for him.  How I sobbed when I got home from that appointment. I think I was hoping that the other vet might have got it wrong but you know your dog and deep down I probably knew that there was not going to be a miracle cure.  However, I have been given some exercises to do with him, practising going up and down off different levels ie pavements, using treats to go from 'sit' to 'stand' several times a day and massage sessions to stimulate blood flow in his hind limbs.  He's always loved a tummy rub so I don't think he will complain about this part of the regime at all.

Sonny is so happy in himself and at times he runs about the garden as though there is nothing wrong with him, at others he is a bit wobbly but other than that he is not in any pain, eats and goes for walks as normal for which I am truly grateful.

Monday, 2 July 2012

Keeping the old boy going

Just spoken to a lovely vet who I found online who is attached to a hydrotherapy centre, she also does acupuncture.  We had a long talk about Sonny and his problem leg.  We concluded that there is no point in looking at expensive referrals to neurologists as I would not consider putting him through an operation at his age and stage. One of the things which works against him is his temperament, so nervous in any kind of clinic situation.  However, I am trying to do the best I can for him so I can be sure that I have thought about all the possibilities so I can live with myself if the worst has to happen.

Today he is so pleased to see me and thinks he's a puppy again bounding around the garden, the leg problem not so much in evidence.  Perhaps he just needs to go everywhere at speed in his golden years.

 The idea of speeding up rather than slowing down into old age quite appeals to me.  Pack everything in, do what you want to do and don't procrastinate, we don't know how long we've got.  Yet another brilliant lesson from my dog xx