Friday, 14 January 2011

slow progress

It seems as though I'm not doing much doesn't it because I'm not giving you any feedback on what we're up to.  However, steady progress has been made in some areas.

Before fearful of taking dog out on my own, partner nearly always walking him  Now can take him out more on my own on road only
Before walking dog alone with headphones to distract fearful thoughts and give another focus if we met a dog  Now able to walk dog without headphones using hypnotherapy techniques
Before use of tapping techniques to dissipate anxiety and calming 'mantra', worked to reduce anxiety in some situations  Now able to use calming mantra without use of tapping, it has the same effect - result!
Before unable to tackle walking with partner and our other dog as both dogs kicked off if they met another dog Now walking dogs together is mostly ok but still feeling unable to tackle offroad walking and fearful of meeting dogs offlead, BUT walking ahead with other dog, separating my nervous energy from Sonny, focussing on dealing with the dog offlead, explaining situation to the other owner can help him  and me to be less reactive!

Ongoing issues

My nervous reactions, which are very ingrained, mainly an issue when Sonny very reactive and lunging which I find very wearing,

Feeling confident to:
walk him offroad
deal with other dogs offlead without avoiding or fear
deal with walking in close proximity to people, he can still react aggressively even when the other person is some way away, and not just when he is with me
being suprised, people and or dogs emerging from turnings

Finding him a pack to mix with, does anybody want to take this on for 6 weeks so he can learn dog language and accept pack rules?